The microorganisms collection database API description

Database statistics.

name of entriesAmount
collection entities130
Still Keeping Cell Lines130
image files0

Instruction of using database API.

/stat - request the database statistics.

Papers routine

/papers - request all papers in the database.
/papers/{id} - request paper by DB identifier.
/papers/{id}/strains - request strains for the paper.

Agencies routine

/agencies - request all agencies in the database.
/agencies/{id} - request agency by DB identifier.
/agencies/{id}/strains - request collection of agency by it's DB identifier.

Strains routine

/strains - request all strains in the database.
parametertypeis requreddescriptionexample
nameStringnostrain name or identifier/strain?name=#####
authorStringnoAuthor of the strain/strain?author=#####
/strains/full - request all strains in the database as full strain description in one JSON object.
/strains/{id} - request strain by DB identifier.
/strains/{id}/full - request full strain description in one JSON object by DB identifier.
/strains/{id}/agencies - request agencies that keep it's strain (set strain DB identifier).
/strains/{id}/files - request image files of the strain (set strain DB identifier).
/strains/{id}/papers - request papers that has information about the strain (set strain DB identifier).
/strains/{id}/chemotax - request strain properties.
/strains/{id}/cultivation - request strain properties.
/strains/{id}/isolation - request strain properties.
/strains/{id}/molgeneproperties - request strain properties.
/strains/{id}/phenotype - request strain properties.
/strains/{id}/physiology - request strain properties.
/strains/{id}/preservation - request strain properties.
/strains/{id}/taxonomy - request strain properties.

Files routine

/files - request all image descriptors in the database.
/files/{fileName} - request an image by it's name.
/file?id=numID - request file description by it's DB identifier.

Collections routine

/collections - request all objects in collection.